‌LSAC offers a variety of options to learn about Unite at no cost:

Workshops*, which are offered multiple times every month and cover a wide variety of topics
Job aids, which provide step-by-step instructions and can be found at the Unite and ACES2 support sites.
Online training*, which is available at predetermined times throughout the year and is intended for individual members of a team who may be new to Unite
*Both workshops and online training are offered to multiple schools in the same session.

Beginning January 2024, individualized in-person Unite training is available. A trainer will travel to your school for a cost up to $1,000 per day plus trainer travel expenses.

ACES2 training is available online only and will cost up to $1,000 per day.

To request any type of training for your team, please answer the questions below. Once we receive your request, we will evaluate the best approach, determine if there will be a cost associated, and get back to you with the proposed approach and cost if applicable.

  1. Create Request
  2. Add Registrations
  3. Submit Training Request

General Information